Tuesday, July 21, 2009

sometimes i wish i could have a book filled with my favorite things and moments i love. i don't want it to be an ordinary book, filled with photos, writing, and scraps i find here or there, i want it to be like watching an old 8mm film on a projection screen or like a hologram. i want it to show the moment so each time i look through the book i can relive the memory. it would be filled with all sorts of moments, from extremely simple things like the phone message my nine year old nephew left me about the fungus my peach tree has "Hi Aunt Chels, I just wanted to warn you that if the peach scab gets to bad that your peach tree could die." to things like a robin landing next to another robin on a tree branch and giving it a worm. or the way my dog looks at me when i get home, with a content face and a slowly waging tail. some pages would open and have dialogue and sound, like my nephew talking or the sound the rain makes on the roof of my shed. other pages would have short film clips, like of my uncle playing the guitar or my friends sitting around a campfire together. others might have holograms, to show really simple things like birds flying or a flower growing. it would be my book and it would be extremely unique to me. it would document all the things that make me smile or make my boots lighter. it would record my life story, in a sense.
it would be beautiful.

1 comment:

You & Me::Love & Peace. said...

Miss Chelsea,
You have such a great imagination and you are so creative. Listening to you was something I was very happy to do. I'm happy to be your friend, and to be here when you need me. I know you do the same for me. :)
I love blogging more than facebooking. There is so much more room to write and be free with it..even though there aren't many people who read mine. I know you read it! And I love to read yours. Be sure to update yours as well!
I will keep updating it as soon as my mind needs to flow out into my fingertips!
I love and miss you!